M.A. Nichols
happily ever after starts here
Future Projects
I love working on multiple projects all at once, so when people ask me what I'm working on next, it's a bit difficult to answer. So, I'm breaking it down according to what stage I'm at on each project.​
Editing / Final Pre-Publishing Stages​​
The third book in the Vaughn Series! A Meddlesome Match follows their daughter Sadie as she finds herself stuck in a love triangle that is being orchestrated by two very determined mothers. Coming May 6th.
Writing Stage​​​​​​​
I'm working on the next book in the Vaughn family series. It will feature Arthur & Violet's son, Gregory.
Outlining / Brainstorming Stage​​​​
​I've got a ton of ideas for various stories I'd love to write in the Generations of Love timeline! As the world continues to expand, more characters are coming out of the woodwork, and while some of the new books will revisit the Ashbrooks, Kingsleys, and Finches, etc., I will be introducing more families as well. At present, I have no plans to conclude the series as there are always more stories to tell!
​I plan on expanding into the American Wild West. My plan is to establish a few books in all three eras (Regency / Georgian, Victorian, and Wild West) and then bounce between them as the mood strikes. All three series will be tied together with similar characters. As a reader, I love when series do this because I get a chance to see the characters I fell in love with in previous books and see how they turn out. It's almost like the other books in the series serve as an extended epilogue for each of the couples after they reach their happily ever after.​
I'm in the brainstorming phase of a multi-level paranormal series. As of now, I'm looking at arranging it kind of like the Marvel Universe, where I'd have several series that are each standalone, but then with times where they overlap each other. It would feature werewolves, vampires, fae, ghosts, demons, and witches. I'm worldbuilding it all out, so it's pretty sketchy as of right now, but I see it being a pretty massive undertaking that will take years to finish. Right now, I'm focused on my historical romances, but this is a passion project of mine. I adore adult urban fantasy / paranormal romance, but it's near impossible to find series without objectionable content. I'd love to write a series that has all the drama, love, and action but without the language or sex.